
Elder Abuse Charges Against Mel Gibson

Elder abuse is a crime that often goes unnoticed and unreported in Del Mar and throughout San Diego County. However, thanks to local organizations such as the H.O.P.E. team and the San Diego Family Justice Center, elderly victims of abuse have community resources to turn to for help. In recent news, infamous actor and director, Mel Gibson, has been accused of elder abuse. The alleged victim is Teddy Joye Hicks Gibson, Gibson’s stepmother. Seventy-eight year old Teddy claims that Gibson spat in her face and threatened her. As a result of the incident, she is seeking a restraining order against Gibson.

In addition to the physical attacks and threats, Teddy alleges that Gibson has waged an emotional and psychological assault on her. She asserted that Gibson has contributed to the final breakdown of her marriage to Gibson’s father and that he is trying to force her out of her home. The home is currently owned by a charity over which Gibson has significant control. Gibson’s ninety-three year old father recently filed for divorce but Teddy says this is a product of Gibson’s interference. She bases this claim on a love note recently given to her by Gibson’s father, evidencing the intent to remain married. The judge declined to issue a temporary restraining order in favor of Teddy. Alternatively, the judge decided to set a date for a full hearing on the matter.

Elder abuse can appear in many forms just like domestic violence. The definition of domestic violence includes all forms of abuse such as physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse, and financial abuse. Common forms of elder abuse include physical and financial abuse. Because the elderly are in a vulnerable position both physically and financially, they are often the targets of such abuse. Additionally, those paid to care for elderly patients may continue to collect their pay yet neglect the needs of the patient. This type of abuse forces elderly patients to live in inhumane, unsafe, and filthy environments. Although incidents of elder abuse are drastically underreported, the number of reports has risen in San Diego County. According to the office of the District Attorney the elder abuse hotline receives 10,000 calls per year. Of these calls, approximately forty percent involve claims of financial elder abuse.

Ninety-five percent of incidents of elder abuse occur in the home. The groups of these in-home offenders include the most trusted individuals in an elderly person’s life. For example, the largest group of abusers are related to the victim. The second largest group is comprised of caretakers, neighbors, and friends. The remaining five percent of incidents occur in nursing homes. The offenders in these cases most often include trusted financial planners.

Any situation involving domestic violence is dangerous. Please contact us if you have questions regarding the effects of domestic violence on child custody or divorce. Nancy J. Bickford is the only attorney in San Diego County representing clients in divorces, who is a Certified Family Law Specialist (CFLS) and who is actively licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Don’t settle for less when determining your rights. Call 858-793-8884 in Del Mar, Carmel Valley, North County or San Diego.

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