
How to Keep Your High Net Worth Divorce Low Profile

How to Keep Your High Net Worth Divorce Low Profile

If you are caught in a divorce where a lot of assets are being divided between you and your spouse, this can be a difficult situation to find yourself in. With property, stocks, and other financial interests involved, a lot can be at stake.

Usually, in such high asset divorces, it is in each party’s best interest to keep quiet about the divorce circumstances and details. This can be to allow time for emotional processing and healing and to protect other family members, such as children. Keeping the private details of your divorce confidential can also give you an advantage in negotiations.

Overall, understanding strategies to keep your divorce confidential and private can go a long way towards protecting the interests of you and your family.

Essential Tips for Achieving a Discreet Divorce

It is possible to come out of a stringent divorce without all your neighbors and colleagues knowing the details. Follow these important tips to have a successful, discreet divorce in San Diego:

  • Consider opting for mediation. The goal of mediation is to help the parties come to an amicable arrangement by facilitating dialogue and negotiation between them. Conflicts in a divorce can be settled more privately and in a less aggressive manner through mediation.
  • Keep your communication professional. Avert making public comments or arguing with your spouse in front of others. Respectful and professional communication between the parties should focus on resolving the current challenges.
  • Sparingly use court records. It is crucial to keep the content of court documents to a minimum and avoid including sensitive or personally identifiable information. Court records might eventually become public record.
  • Consider working with a private judge. Use a private judge who can conduct your case outside of the public court system. This can help keep your divorce as private as possible.
  • Do not use social media. Do not talk or publish about your divorce on social media. As they are in a public forum, your social media posts may be used as evidence in court.
  • Get legal counsel. Engage the services of an experienced family law attorney who can inform you of your rights and duties during a divorce and assist you in negotiating a settlement that is in your best interests.

Why High Asset Divorces Can Be High Profile

High asset divorces can receive a lot of attention for several reasons:

  • Significant wealth. When one or both parties have a high net worth, the potential for large property settlements, alimony payments, and child support obligations can attract media attention.
  • Controversial issues. Divorces involving disputes over the division of property, particularly if the assets are unique or high-value, can attract media attention.
  • Public events or incidents. If the divorce follows a public event or incident, such as infidelity, domestic violence, or arrests, it can also invite scrutiny.
  • Court proceedings. Divorces that are contested and require court proceedings are more likely to become public, as court documents and proceedings are typically open to the public.
  • Celebrity status. If one or both parties are well-known public figures, such as celebrities, politicians, or athletes, their divorce can be in the public eye.

It is important to remember that a high asset divorce can bring additional stress and attention. It may be in your best interests to take steps to maintain privacy and keep the process as low-key as possible. Consulting with a qualified family law attorney can help you understand your rights and obligations. They can also ensure that your interests are protected throughout the divorce process.


Q: Is it always 50/50 in divorce in California?

A: Assets and debts accumulated throughout the marriage should be shared equally between the parties in a California divorce, according to normal practice. Community property law governs this. The allocation of assets and debts, however, may differ depending on the following:

  • Nature and kind of assets and debts
  • Duration of the marriage
  • Unique circumstances of each case

This norm, however, is not often observed in practice.

Q: Does my spouse have any right to my house if I owned it before marriage in California?

A: In California, if you owned a house before marriage, it is generally considered separate property and is not subject to division in a divorce. Separate property is defined as property that was owned by either spouse before the marriage. It can also be property that was acquired during the marriage by gift, bequest, devise, or descent.

Q: Should you pay off debt before a high asset divorce?

A: In a high asset divorce, the division of assets and debts can be complex and may involve a detailed valuation of assets and liabilities. Paying off debt before your divorce may help simplify the division of assets. However, it is important to consider how this may impact your overall settlement. To make the decision, you should consult with a financial advisor or a qualified family law attorney. They can help you understand the potential impact on your overall financial situation.

Q: Does a prenup protect you from everything?

A: A prenup outlines the terms and conditions of the couple’s financial arrangement in the event of a divorce or death. However, a prenup is not a guarantee of protection from everything. For example, prenups do not cover issues related to child custody and support or unforeseen events, such as a sudden illness or disability. Additionally, a prenup may not protect you from hidden assets or undisclosed debts if these are not disclosed or addressed in the agreement.

Experienced Attorneys With Strategic Divorce Solutions

At Bickford Blado & Botros, our family law attorneys have years of experience conducting high asset divorces in a timely and confidential manner. We are here to make sure you keep the assets that are rightfully yours in a divorce. Our firm can advise you on the best steps you can take to protect the privacy of your family. Reach out to one of our knowledgeable and respected lawyers today to discuss your particular case. With our help, you can make a plan that you feel confident about.


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