
Co-parenting With Someone of a Different Religion

Co-parenting With Someone of a Different Religion

In the state of California, the term child custody is used to reference the ability to make decisions that affect the quality of life of your children, such as those relating to health and education. For some parents, religion plays a big role in making those decisions, which can significantly complicate things when your religion differs from that of the children’s other parent. Outside of simply including religious holidays into your custody schedule, other factors that could be impacted include attending religious ceremonies, dressing a certain way, eating a certain diet, and more. There is no set template for how to navigate these sorts of challenges, given that the details of each case vary significantly. However, there are certain elements that will likely be taken into account and strategies you can employ to find a mutually acceptable resolution.

Court Priorities When Making Judgements Related to Religion

Ultimately the primary factor in determining whether or not a child should be allowed to participate in religious ceremonies and events is their safety and wellbeing, and in many cases, this means that the courts will look favorably upon some amount of religious activity in the child’s life. This is because being a part of a religion can offer many benefits to the child. Regular meetings can offer stability, and many religions subscribe to a system of morals and ethics that are considered necessary for participation in society. Belonging to a religion can also grant the child access to an incredible support system within the community.

As such, it can be difficult for you to argue that your partner’s religion should not be shared with your child simply because it is different from your own. Likewise, they would have little recourse to prevent you from sharing your own religion with your child, regardless of how the other parent feels towards that religion. In the eyes of the court, both parents’ religions carry equal weight. However, that doesn’t mean that all religious activity will be permitted.

If there is any evidence supporting the fact that the child will be harmed, then the courts will rule against the religious practice. Keep in mind that this includes psychological harm in addition to any potential physical injuries that could be sustained. While this may be a little more difficult to substantiate, working with an experienced family law attorney can help. We will work together to ensure your child will not be exposed to any dangerous situations that could cause long-term trauma to your child. If you suspect that your child is at risk of serious harm, you can contact the offices of Bickford Blado & Botros for legal assistance.

Other Factors that Can Influence the Court

Outside of the simple risk of harm, there are a few other factors the courts may consider if there is a significant conflict between the parents in regard to religion. If the child is old enough, they may be prompted to voice their own preference. Adhering to the religion of their choice is likely to be healthier for their development and mental wellbeing. Similarly, the courts may opt to support whichever religion the child has been most familiar with throughout their life. For example, if they were raised in the Islamic faith, continuing to practice that same faith would provide them with some much needed consistency after experiencing their parents’ separation.

Of course, all of this is when both parents have custodial rights. If only one parent has legal custody of the child, then they would be solely responsible for making religious choices on their behalf as well.

How to Resolve Religious Disputes Outside of Court

Because the courts’ priorities lie in ensuring the child’s safety, they may be unable to provide you with the resolution you’re looking for. A skilled family law attorney can instead help facilitate mediation between the parents to find a mutually agreeable solution. For the process to run smoothly, there are certain things to consider with co-parenting. Open communication and respect are critical to the success of this process.

A helpful strategy to navigate the various differences between your respective religions is by narrowing down each’s core values. Often, equivalents can be found at the heart of each religion.  Focusing on these similarities can help parents find some form of resolution more easily.

Acknowledging the Different Types of Religious Activity

A good starting point is acknowledging that not all religious activity is equal, and any agreement made between parents should consider this. While there is little need to disclose minor activities involving your religion, participating in official ceremonies is a different matter. Ceremonies like a child’s First Communion or Bar Mitzvah have great meaning within their respective religions and generally shouldn’t be done without first speaking to the other parent if you’re looking to avoid inciting hostility.

How Will Religion Affect Visitation?

Again, there is no automatic template in regard to how religion will affect the custody schedule. However, when creating such a schedule, it’s important to consider all the dates that could be relevant outside of your child’s normal routine. These include birthdays, secular holidays, and religious holidays. This is especially important if your home is not the child’s primary place of residence, as you will have to carefully coordinate when you are able to spend time with them in advance. When going through the process of mediation with your family law attorney, you should communicate what sorts of dates are important to your faith. This is an opportunity to come to a mutual understanding so that your child can be by your side on meaningful religious holidays.

Unfortunately, in some situations, the other parent may try and take advantage of this step in the process to actively interfere with the relationship between you and your child. Working with a family lawyer can help ensure that the rights of both parents are respected, curbing any attempts at manipulation or inappropriate involvement.

Find Mediation Help for Religious Questions During Divorce

The first step in resolving religious conflicts while co-parenting is mediation. Engaging in this process with a licensed family law attorney from the offices of Bickford Blado & Botros can help you find a peaceful resolution. In the event that a resolution cannot be found, your attorney can help you substantiate your claims in court and ensure that your child’s health and wellbeing are prioritized. To get started, simply contact our offices by calling us at 858-793-8884.



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