
Articles Posted in Discovery


Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce

Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce When you face divorce, many factors add to the stress and anxiety you face. One thing that can make the process more challenging is trying to understand all the legal jargon associated with the proceedings. Once you grasp a basic understanding…


How Is Communal Property Divided?

How Is Communal Property Divided? When going through a divorce, several things need to be determined, such as child custody, spousal support, and the division of property. Disentangling your life from another person’s can be difficult for several reasons. When you live together for several years, there is a lot…


Everything You Need to Know About Annulments

Everything You Need to Know About Annulments Although they happen often, annulments are often misunderstood. Media and popular culture promote a number of diverse yet equally inaccurate representations of this process, making it difficult for most people to recognize the truth of this legal concept. If you are unsatisfied with…


Common Types of Discovery in a Divorce Proceeding

Once the initial paperwork in a divorce proceeding is filed, both parties must complete what is called a “Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.”  This disclosure mainly consists of two documents, the first is the party’s “Schedule of Assets and Debts” and the second is the party’s “Income and Expense Declaration.”  Just…


What is an Ex Parte Hearing?

It is no secret that the San Diego Family Law Courts are overutilized, overworked, and overbooked.  When a party files a motion with the court it can often take several months, or longer, to get a hearing date!  This can be frustrating for litigants who want to move their case…


Discovery…But Not the ‘Eureka’ Type

Discovery is not the first topic that comes to mind when parties meet with a family law attorney for the first time.  In fact, there is a good chance most litigants have no idea what discovery actually is.  Sure, anyone who watches any of the serialized crime dramas on TV…


Whoops: The right way to bring an error to the attention of your judge.

Appeals can be a lengthy, difficult, and expensive process. In fact, most civil appeals in the Fourth District Court of Appeals, Division One (San Diego) take about a year from start to finish. If a trial court’s error is the result of a minor oversight or a mathematical error, it…


How Your Health Impacts Support

Personal health is a very important aspect of our lives, but for some reason we do not seem to give it as much thought as we should until that health is compromised.  It is cold and flu season right now and many of you reading this have either had a…


The Mediation Privilege in Family Law: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter?

Many parties choose to have their divorce cases mediated by a professional mediator. This can have many valuable benefits. It can be cheaper, less stressful, and much quicker than your typical adversarial divorce. All other things being equal, working together is preferred to working against one another. Any party who…


How do the physician-patient and psychotherapist-patient privileges work in Family Law proceedings?

The rules of evidence can be challenging. Understanding it is a skill that must be honed and refined, which is what we try to do at Bickford Blado & Botros. In this blog, we will discuss two of the most important evidentiary privileges and their importance in family law cases:…

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