Articles Posted in Discovery

How Long Does a Divorce Take in California?

How Long Does a Divorce Take in California?Working through the challenging decision to start a divorce process can feel overwhelming. With so many details and considerations to navigate and prioritize, it can seem daunting to approach the realities of legal divorce. Many individuals hope to get the divorce process over and completed in a short timeline so they can start over and move on. While this is completely understandable, there are several factors out of an individual’s control when it comes to a divorce timeline.

After coming to the personal conclusion to pursue a divorce, it is necessary to begin the legal process as soon as possible to ensure you are not extending the timeline longer than necessary. While the first steps to divorce may seem obvious, it is helpful to take time to review what is locally required for divorce proceedings and ensure you are prepared. Gathering documents, consulting a divorce attorney, and engaging in personal support from family and friends is a great place to start.

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Who Needs a Prenup in California?

Who Needs a Prenup in California?Prenuptial agreements have a reputation for being exclusively useful for high-net-worth individuals and not of use or importance for “regular” couples, but this is not true. Taking time to identify the financial responsibilities and decisions within a marriage can ensure clear communication defining responsibilities, which often preserves the relationship from the financial stress of unaddressed matters.

With financial stress remaining a leading cause of American couples taking a step towards divorce, finding ways to establish financial understanding and delegation before the start of the marriage only sets you and your partner up for success. Prenuptial agreements can benefit every couple, not just high-earning individuals.

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Understanding the Sensitivities of Same-Sex Divorces

Understanding the Sensitivities of Same-Sex DivorcesCalifornia has been a trailblazer when it comes to recognizing same-sex couple rights, including same-sex marriage, which became legal in 2015. Despite the 10-year anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage, same-sex divorce is still met with challenges and must be handled with care, as it can often be a delicate legal issue for some couples.

While the laws apply to same-sex divorce exactly the same as they do to heterosexual divorce, the majority of same-sex divorce cases don’t play out in the traditional manner. Because of the unique circumstances of these cases, it takes a special legal perspective to navigate the intricacies of same-sex divorces.

It should be noted that custody matters, child support, spousal support, division of assets, and the actual process for the dissolution of marriage are the same for heterosexual and same-sex divorces. However, due to the infancy of same-sex unions, same-sex divorces still meet challenges within the realm of California law.
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Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce

Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce
If you are facing a divorce in California, you are likely primarily concerned about alimony payments, property division, and, if you have children, child support, custody, and visitation. However, there are many additional financial implications that should be considered. For example, there may be unintended consequences or unknown advantages, depending on how you classify the property settlement and spousal support, or alimony.

Therefore, when it comes to divorce, it can be highly advantageous to work with California lawyers who also have an extensive background in accounting. The family lawyers at Bickford Blado & Botros have an accounting background and can take into account all of your financial details to help you anticipate how to optimize your situation for the future.
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Post-Decree Modifications After a California Divorce

Post-Decree Modifications After a California Divorce

Life changes, sometimes quickly and often, and what once worked as an agreed-upon divorce term suddenly isn’t relevant to the lives of the family members anymore. Remarriages, a new job, relocations, a loss of a job, or any of dozens of other things that affect families can occur and change everything. In many cases, it is necessary to revisit post-decree terms of divorce and modify them to meet the current needs of the family. When an adjustment to an existing court order is needed, a court-ordered modification is necessary.

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What You Need to Know About Same-Sex Divorce in California

What You Need to Know About Same-Sex Divorce in California

Married gay and lesbian couples facing divorce have the same rights as opposite-sex couples in California. However, there are some facets of same-sex divorce that make the process different and oftentimes more challenging. Below are some unique caveats of same-sex divorce that should be considered.

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Domestic Violence and Divorce in California

Domestic Violence and Divorce in California

Domestic violence is a serious accusation and situation. Unfortunately, domestic violence-related divorce is not an unfamiliar occurrence, which is why courts are prepared to address the issue in divorce proceedings. The challenging process of divorce becomes all the more difficult when domestic violence is involved. It is critical to have a divorce lawyer who is up to the task of working through this process in this situation. It requires not just skill and experience but also the ability to tactfully handle such a sensitive situation.

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The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

Divorce is a process that creates upheaval in almost every aspect of a person’s life. So, it should come as no real surprise to us that it can often get contentious. This is especially true when the person on the other side is someone there is some level of tension with already which is leading to the divorce. That said, there can be ways in which the potential conflict of a divorce can be minimized. One of these ways is to be aware ahead of time of the issues that are most likely to turn contentious.

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California Divorces: What to Expect When You’re Going Through One

California Divorces: What to Expect When You’re Going Through One

The divorce process has a reputation for being challenging. However, being prepared can help relieve a massive amount of the stress that a divorce can potentially bring. By having a general idea of what to expect in a California divorce, you can better prepare yourself for the complex agreements and proceedings you’ll have to address. If you’re considering getting divorced or were served papers in California, it is crucial that you understand what to expect.

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What Is Interstate Discovery and How Will It Affect a Divorce?

What Is Interstate Discovery and How Will It Affect a Divorce?

Although it can take time, out-of-state discovery is becoming increasingly important for many legal issues, especially those concerning divorce cases. Interstate discovery is increasing as internet-facilitated communication expands, opening up new avenues for the communication of legal materials as well. Fortunately, the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) can assist in standardizing the procedure for eliciting testimony and evidence from parties located outside of California’s jurisdiction.

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