Articles Tagged with remarriage

How to Bring Up a Prenup Discussion with Your Partner

How to Bring Up a Prenup Discussion with Your PartnerNo one plans for their marriage to end in divorce, but some people like to be prepared for things. A prenuptial agreement is like marriage insurance. No one plans to be in an accident, but some people take out a full coverage insurance policy to be prepared.

If you have assets going into marriage, the sensible and responsible thing to do is to protect those assets by developing a prenuptial agreement. Chances are you’ll never need to use your prenuptial agreement, but if you do, you’ll be glad it’s there.

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Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce

Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce
If you are facing a divorce in California, you are likely primarily concerned about alimony payments, property division, and, if you have children, child support, custody, and visitation. However, there are many additional financial implications that should be considered. For example, there may be unintended consequences or unknown advantages, depending on how you classify the property settlement and spousal support, or alimony.

Therefore, when it comes to divorce, it can be highly advantageous to work with California lawyers who also have an extensive background in accounting. The family lawyers at Bickford Blado & Botros have an accounting background and can take into account all of your financial details to help you anticipate how to optimize your situation for the future.
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The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

Divorce is a process that creates upheaval in almost every aspect of a person’s life. So, it should come as no real surprise to us that it can often get contentious. This is especially true when the person on the other side is someone there is some level of tension with already which is leading to the divorce. That said, there can be ways in which the potential conflict of a divorce can be minimized. One of these ways is to be aware ahead of time of the issues that are most likely to turn contentious.

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Why Are Premarital Agreements Important in California?

Why Are Premarital Agreements Important in California?

While they once held a more negative connotation, premarital agreements are becoming increasingly popular across the country. This is due to a combination of high divorce rates and the general need for people to protect their hard-earned property. Prenuptial agreements allow fiancées to detail important information regarding their personal assets, in addition to helping them outline how property should be distributed if a divorce occurs. If you’re about to get married in California, you should strongly consider creating a prenup with your partner.

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Annulment: The Other Option to Ending a Marriage

What to Do If You Discover Important Information After Finalizing Your Divorce

For those people looking into ending their marriage, divorce is an obvious option that will likely be a person’s first choice. Most people are at least partially familiar with the divorce process and likely know someone who has gone through a divorce. However, there is another way to legally end a marriage in California. Although both a divorce and an annulment sever marital ties, the legal effects of each are very different. There are both pros and cons for each option, so both should be thoroughly considered if they are an option.

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Can I Sue My Ex for Their Actions During Our Marriage?

Can I Sue My Ex for Their Actions During Our Marriage?

Divorce is likely to be one of the greatest challenges you face in life, and almost every divorce involves some measure of contention or unease between the divorcing spouses. While some couples can divorce amicably, others cannot. The emotional stress of their divorces and the underlying causes of their marriages’ breakdowns can make negotiation very difficult. It’s also possible that one spouse endured prolonged abuse during their marriage, and it’s natural to wonder if one in this situation has any legal recourse.

In a hotly contested divorce, both spouses are likely to wonder whether they have grounds for direct legal action against one another. However, if you suffered measurable losses due to your spouse’s actions during your marriage, or if the underlying cause for your marriage’s failure is their unethical, illegal, or outright abusive actions, you may have more options for addressing these details than you initially realize.

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How Does a Postnup or a Prenup Affect Your California Divorce?

How Does a Postnup or a Prenup Affect Your California Divorce?

In the State of California, both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are recognized, and couples facing divorce need to be aware of the role the agreement plays. Among the many factors they must consider is the fact that certain issues may render various clauses, or the whole document, unenforceable. Anyone going through a divorce must first determine whether their agreement is valid in court before they start determining its potential influence on spousal support, child custody, and property division.

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When the marriages of most couples become irretrievably broken, the most common way to end these marriages is to file for divorce. However, certain extenuating circumstances call for annulling the marriage rather than dissolving it.

There are two distinct categories of marriages in the context of nullities. There are marriages that are void and there are marriages that are voidable.

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