Articles Tagged with mediation strategies

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?California is one of the most expensive states in which to get divorced. On average, couples spend somewhere around $15,000 to $20,000 on their divorce if they do not have children. If the couple has children, the cost of divorce may increase by $5,000 to $10,000. These fees include things like filing fees to submit documents to the court, attorney fees, and other expenses. To receive a general estimate of how much your divorce might cost, contact a San Diego divorce lawyer.

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How Can a Prenuptial Agreement Help My Marriage?

How Can a Prenuptial Agreement Help My Marriage?Marriage is more than an official union recognized by the government. It’s also a legal and financial partnership. It bears significant responsibility, including forfeiting some of the independent freedoms that will be shared between you and your new spouse. This is where prenuptial agreements come into play. If you’d like to create a prenuptial agreement, a California family lawyer can help.

Otherwise known as a “prenup,” these are official contracts agreed upon before marriage that outline how various financial affairs and assets will be dealt with in the event of a divorce. By better understanding the nature of these marriage contracts, soon-to-be newlyweds can better assess if a prenup is right for them.

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Tips for Successful Mediation During a Divorce

Tips for Successful Mediation During a DivorceA divorce can be one of the most challenging life experiences for anyone to face. The process can be riddled with difficult decisions and heated exchanges that test one’s emotional stability. For many newly divorced couples, leveraging mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method can offer an effective path to an amicable resolution. A California divorce mediation attorney can make the process much easier.

Mediation can save both parties significant time, money, and emotional distress. Below are some essential tips to help ensure your mediation sessions are putting you on a path to success.

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Guide to California Military Divorce

Guide to California Military DivorceSan Diego is home to more than 115,000 active-duty service members in the Navy and Marine Corps, so it makes sense for a law firm to reach out to those service members by providing legal services aimed specifically at representing those San Diego residents. Bickford Blado & Botros understand the need for military-focused attorneys who have a deep comprehension of the laws that apply to military members. Representing military divorce clients falls under this category.

Military divorce can be a bit different from civilian divorce, and it is important to understand exactly how it is different if you are involved in a military divorce. Areas such as child custody, child support, property division, and even the initial petitioning for divorce can all be complicated for military service members. Below is a guide to understanding these differences within the realm of California family law.

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Understanding the Sensitivities of Same-Sex Divorces

Understanding the Sensitivities of Same-Sex DivorcesCalifornia has been a trailblazer when it comes to recognizing same-sex couple rights, including same-sex marriage, which became legal in 2015. Despite the 10-year anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage, same-sex divorce is still met with challenges and must be handled with care, as it can often be a delicate legal issue for some couples.

While the laws apply to same-sex divorce exactly the same as they do to heterosexual divorce, the majority of same-sex divorce cases don’t play out in the traditional manner. Because of the unique circumstances of these cases, it takes a special legal perspective to navigate the intricacies of same-sex divorces.

It should be noted that custody matters, child support, spousal support, division of assets, and the actual process for the dissolution of marriage are the same for heterosexual and same-sex divorces. However, due to the infancy of same-sex unions, same-sex divorces still meet challenges within the realm of California law.
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Should I Choose Mediation for My Divorce?

Should I Choose Mediation for My Divorce?Divorce in California can be extremely difficult. Whether the marriage lasted a few months or decades, there are a lot of emotions that can be involved during separation. When it comes to ending a marriage, there are many different options for carrying out the process. While it is common for each side to hire litigation and dispute items in court, mediation is another option that can be more peaceful and leave fewer scars.

Mediation is an opportunity for both of the divorcing parties to talk through their differences together and come to an agreement outside of the courtroom. If you are looking for a quick and easy divorce but still have some disputes about the divorce agreement, then mediation may be an option for you and your ex-spouse.
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Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce

Unpredicted Tax Implications of Social Security Benefits and Property Arrangements During Divorce
If you are facing a divorce in California, you are likely primarily concerned about alimony payments, property division, and, if you have children, child support, custody, and visitation. However, there are many additional financial implications that should be considered. For example, there may be unintended consequences or unknown advantages, depending on how you classify the property settlement and spousal support, or alimony.

Therefore, when it comes to divorce, it can be highly advantageous to work with California lawyers who also have an extensive background in accounting. The family lawyers at Bickford Blado & Botros have an accounting background and can take into account all of your financial details to help you anticipate how to optimize your situation for the future.
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The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

The Most Contentious Issues in a Divorce

Divorce is a process that creates upheaval in almost every aspect of a person’s life. So, it should come as no real surprise to us that it can often get contentious. This is especially true when the person on the other side is someone there is some level of tension with already which is leading to the divorce. That said, there can be ways in which the potential conflict of a divorce can be minimized. One of these ways is to be aware ahead of time of the issues that are most likely to turn contentious.

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Why Are Premarital Agreements Important in California?

Why Are Premarital Agreements Important in California?

While they once held a more negative connotation, premarital agreements are becoming increasingly popular across the country. This is due to a combination of high divorce rates and the general need for people to protect their hard-earned property. Prenuptial agreements allow fiancées to detail important information regarding their personal assets, in addition to helping them outline how property should be distributed if a divorce occurs. If you’re about to get married in California, you should strongly consider creating a prenup with your partner.

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Mediation vs. Litigation

Mediation vs. Litigation: Which Is Better for You?

Even under the most ideal circumstances, a divorce can be painful and overwhelming. The former couple is dealing with the emotions of a broken relationship while also navigating the legal system. Assets must be divided as fairly as possible, and all of the necessary paperwork must be kept track of and filed at the correct time.

That process would be overwhelming for nearly anyone but is made much more difficult if there is also conflict between the former spouses. In those situations, there are two routes that can be followed. Couples who cannot agree on a resolution may choose to litigate the divorce and allow the courts to make all the final decisions about the case. Those who are open to negotiation and a fair divorce may choose to mediate. It is essential to choose the path that works best for you.

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