
Articles Posted in Judgment


The Basic Timeline of a Divorce Case and FAQ

The Basic Timeline of a Divorce Case and FAQ Divorce is typically one of the most difficult experiences of a person’s life. It is natural to feel a mix of frustration and confusion as one accepts the reality of an impending divorce. It is also natural to have many questions…


Child Support When Both Parents Care for the Child Equally

The other day I was asked, “Why do I need to pay child support to my ex-wife if we care for our children equally?”  This is a great question that requires some understanding of both California law and public policy.  At first blush it may seem unreasonable and unfair that…


Spousal Support and Termination

One of the hot button issues in any divorce case is spousal support.  Standard questions that might float through a party’s mind include, but are not limited to, “what party will pay support?”, “how much support will I pay/receive?”, and “how long will I pay/receive support for?”  This blog will…


My Divorce is Over, Now What?

Parties in the middle of a divorce often long for that light at the end of the tunnel when they can finally say that it is over!  Although it may seem like you will never reach the end, everyday parties are finalizing their divorce judgments and moving on with their…


Common Types of Discovery in a Divorce Proceeding

Once the initial paperwork in a divorce proceeding is filed, both parties must complete what is called a “Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.”  This disclosure mainly consists of two documents, the first is the party’s “Schedule of Assets and Debts” and the second is the party’s “Income and Expense Declaration.”  Just…



The infamous comedian-actor Robin Williams once said, “Divorce is expensive.  I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money,’ but they changed it to ‘alimony.’” Alimony, or more commonly now called spousal support, may be awarded to either spouse during the pendency of a divorce proceeding,…


What is Family Court Services?

Often a parent’s biggest concern during a divorce proceeding is what will happen to their children; specifically how custody and visitation will be addressed. In the ideal world, parents would be able to agree on a custody and visitation arrangement that is in the best interest of their children, without…


When Will My Divorce Be Finalized?                                                      

  More often than not, one of the first questions our office receives when someone is inquiring about a divorce is “how long will my divorce take?”  This question, like so many other legal questions, often depends on the circumstances of the case.  While it is our hope to get…


Co-Parenting in the Time of COVID-19

The global spread of COVID-19 (a.k.a Corona Virus) is affecting millions and has been deemed by the United States government a national pandemic.  Both the Federal and California state governments are calling upon citizens to do their part in assisting with slowing the spread of this novel virus, which has…


Student Loans

In this era it is hard to meet any young adult who does not have some amount of debt, with the most common form being student loans.  These loans can be hefty, as college, graduate school, and living expenses are incurred.  But what happens when you marry, and then separate…

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