
Articles Posted in Divorce Advice


Common Reasons People File for Divorce in California

Common Reasons People File for Divorce in California No one gets married expecting to get a divorce, but sometimes ending a marriage may be necessary. The reasons for getting a divorce are unique to each situation. However, the underlying causes for a divorce filing can give some context for how…


Can Child Custody Be Re-Negotiated in California?

Can Child Custody Be Re-Negotiated in California? Child custody issues can become increasingly difficult during divorce proceedings. The choice of which parent will have full custody is left to the court’s discretion. The judgments made by the court to carry out these agreements differ from case to case because every…


How Is Spousal Support Decided in California?

How Is Spousal Support Decided in California? Divorce is a complex legal process, and legal separation might involve several new systems that must be adapted. When adjusting to a fresh divorce, dividing assets, setting up child visitation plans, and separating joint bank accounts are expected parts of the separation process.…


How to Complete a Family Law Appeal

How to Complete a Family Law Appeal Navigating family law cases in court can be difficult because these cases often involve heavy emotions, even in the best circumstances. Those emotions can be even more heightened if you receive a court decision that is not in your favor. If you believe…


What to Know About Child Support

What to Know About Child Support Divorce is a difficult process, even if the former couple is able to be respectful and work together to find the best solutions. In many cases, children suffer the most during a divorce because their lives are turned upside down and they have no…


Mediation vs. Litigation: Which Is Better for You?

Mediation vs. Litigation Even under the most ideal circumstances, a divorce can be painful and overwhelming. The former couple is dealing with the emotions of a broken relationship while also navigating the legal system. Assets must be divided as fairly as possible, and all of the necessary paperwork must be…


Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Agreements

Everything You Need to Know About Premarital Agreements Getting engaged and planning a wedding is an exciting time in the life of a couple. Family and friends are celebrating with you as you prepare to begin your life together. Unfortunately, not every marriage will last. Most people do not enter…


Common Mistakes During Divorce and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes During Divorce and How to Avoid Them Once a divorce has been brought up in a marriage, emotions will likely begin to run high, and more conflicts may arise. This can create a situation where mistakes are more likely to be made. These mistakes can seriously affect your…


Annulment: The Other Option to Ending a Marriage

Annulment: The Other Option to Ending a Marriage For those people looking into ending their marriage, divorce is an obvious option that will likely be a person’s first choice. Most people are at least partially familiar with the divorce process and likely know someone who has gone through a divorce.…


Things to Consider Before Filing for Divorce

Things to Consider Before Filing for Divorce A divorce is a major decision that will change many things about your life. There should be no shame in asking for and filing for a divorce, but it is worthwhile to ensure that a divorce is truly the next step that you…

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