
Articles Posted in mediation strategies


How to Streamline Your Divorce Proceedings in California

How to Streamline Your Divorce Proceedings in California Divorce is a challenging experience for many reasons. The process requires a significant financial investment in the form of legal fees and the transition from a dual-income household to living on a single income. California also enforces a minimum six-month waiting period…


Benefits of Divorce Mediation in California

Benefits of Divorce Mediation in California Divorce is a notoriously difficult and emotionally challenging process. Ending your marriage is more than just the end of a personal relationship; the legal process of divorce requires you and your spouse to divide your community property, determine custody rights over your children, and…


Mediation vs. Litigation: What Is the Right Path for Me?

Mediation vs. Litigation: What Is the Right Path for Me? Divorce is never a desired outcome for any marriage. If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, there are two main paths to take to separate yourself from each other. Divorce often involves intense negotiations. It can…


Common Signs That May Mean It Is Time for a Divorce

Common Signs That May Mean It Is Time for a Divorce When a couple decides to get married, the last thing on their minds is the possibility of a divorce. Unfortunately, life takes some unexpected turns, and individuals begin to question whether they made the right decision. It can be…


Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce

Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce When you face divorce, many factors add to the stress and anxiety you face. One thing that can make the process more challenging is trying to understand all the legal jargon associated with the proceedings. Once you grasp a basic understanding…


Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA

Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA Transitioning from married life back to single living can be very difficult, especially if you are a divorced parent. It is necessary to not only take care of yourself and adapt to your new reality but also to ensure your children can…


Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney?

Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney? If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when you imagine what to expect over the coming months as your divorce case unfolds. To help, one of the most important things you can…


Why Every Divorcing Couple Should Consider Mediation

Why Every Divorcing Couple Should Consider Mediation The divorce process is notoriously challenging in several ways. Divorce is certainly emotionally taxing on most people who experience the process, and it can also be expensive while hampering the usual activities of your daily life. While divorce is never likely to be…


Common Mistakes to Avoid During Mediation

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Mediation When people think of divorce, they often think of long, drawn-out courtroom sessions with insults flung across the room while the judge calls for order with their gavel. Fortunately, that specific scenario only happens on rare occasions. Like many things in life, divorce varies…


How Is Spousal Support Determined?

How Is Spousal Support Determined? One aspect of the divorce process that is often misunderstood is spousal support, also referred to as alimony. References to this form of support are often made in the media. Many people wonder why spousal support exists in the first place, beyond a convenient plot…

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