
Articles Posted in annulment


The Difference Between Divorce vs. Legal Separation vs. Annulment

The Difference Between Divorce vs. Legal Separation vs. Annulment A married couple or domestic partnership considering separation in California has several legal options available. This can be confusing and frustrating for some couples who are unsure what the “right” way to separate is. Couples can end or separate a marriage…


Annulment: The Other Option to Ending a Marriage

Annulment: The Other Option to Ending a Marriage For those people looking into ending their marriage, divorce is an obvious option that will likely be a person’s first choice. Most people are at least partially familiar with the divorce process and likely know someone who has gone through a divorce.…


What Are Grounds for Annulment in California?

What Are Grounds for Annulment in California? In California, divorces and annulments serve the same general purpose—to legally terminate a marriage between two parties. However, the two tools function in vastly different ways. While an annulment is a legal declaration that a marriage never existed, it is different from a…


Is an Annulment Right for You?

Is an Annulment Right for You? Ending a relationship, especially a marriage, is never easy. Depending on the circumstances, it can be rather messy. When involved in a legally binding marriage, there are a few options to consider for ending that legal contract. For many, this path is divorce. For…


Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce

Understanding Legal Terms When You’re Going Through a Divorce When you face divorce, many factors add to the stress and anxiety you face. One thing that can make the process more challenging is trying to understand all the legal jargon associated with the proceedings. Once you grasp a basic understanding…


Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA

Tips for Effective Coparenting Following Divorce in CA Transitioning from married life back to single living can be very difficult, especially if you are a divorced parent. It is necessary to not only take care of yourself and adapt to your new reality but also to ensure your children can…


Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney?

Why Do I Need a Divorce Attorney? If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when you imagine what to expect over the coming months as your divorce case unfolds. To help, one of the most important things you can…


Can Premarital Agreements Be Broken?

Can Premarital Agreements Be Broken? The purpose of a premarital agreement is fairly straightforward—to provide guidance for how a separation should be conducted if a marriage ends in divorce. Due to its nature, most couples don’t think much of such agreements unless they are actively considering a legal separation. At…


How to Respond to A Petition for an Annulment

How to Respond to A Petition for an Annulment If you have been served by your spouse with a petition for an annulment, you are likely wondering exactly what this means and how you should respond appropriately. Compared to a petition for divorce, in which you request the court to…


A Detailed Look at the Steps for Seeking an Annulment in California

A Detailed Look at the Steps for Seeking an Annulment in California After you have considered your options for dissolving your marriage and decided that the best choice for you is to request an annulment, there are specific steps you must take to complete this process according to California law.…

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